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Take the Reins With Smart Home Controls

Image is of a living room with lighting controls in a modern home.

Learn how we customize your smart home’s features for a seamless lifestyle!

Smart home controls allow homeowners to take control of their technology in a way that aligns with their lifestyle and design aesthetics. Today’s systems allow homeowners to manage TVs, sound systems, projectors, security, and lighting in ways tailored to them. 

At Rich AV Design, we specialize in installations throughout smart homes in Stamford, Connecticut, and the surrounding areas. Read more about what technologies can be integrated into your home below.

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Fully Integrate Your Home with Smart Home Controls

Today’s smart homes have control systems that can be integrated into a user-friendly interface that runs your home automation. Many popular smart homes are even set up to work alongside voice-controlled technologies like Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, or Apple’s HomeKit. When looking to customize your smart home systems, work with a highly-trained and certified installer who specializes in integrating technologies and is well-versed in customizing lighting, audio, and video settings. 

Pre-Set Settings

When setting up your smart home, you can program different scenes to adjust multiple technology systems based on the time of day, the user who enters the room, or even whether you are home or away. For example, you may program your whole home audio to play music throughout the house when you get home from work. Or, when watching a movie with the family in the evening, a “Movie” scene dims the media room lights and turns off a surrounding room’s lights and music. 

These smart control settings can be customized from A to Z based on your family’s preferences. With centralized controls, you can make the system setup accessible to anyone in the family, regardless of age or technology know-how. With AV controls that run through a centralized touchscreen panel or mobile app, changing your settings is easier than ever. 

Integration with Smart Lighting

Smart homes often integrate other technologies like smart lighting controls and motorized shades that create the perfect ambiance for different settings you make. Imagine having the shades open or close automatically at sunrise or sunset or having your kitchen lights dim around noon when the light levels are the brightest outside. Make adjustments easily on the go through apps, touchpads or voice commands. 

Security Systems that Sync with Your Smart Home Controls 

Many security systems now tie in with smart home controls Security system features like surveillance cameras and alarms can be controlled by smartphone apps and offer remote access for ease of use by homeowners. Plus, they make it easy to share footage with security companies and law enforcement. Not only can you record and store high-definition and high-resolution video, but you can also view live footage at any time, giving you a sense of safety and security whether you are home or away.

Contact Rich AV Design for a Quote Today

These intelligent controls enhance the convenience, efficiency, and overall user experience of managing AV systems and smart technologies in your home. If you want to learn more about customizing your smart home, contact us to learn more. 

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